Saturday, March 21, 2015

In My Fathers House Are Many Mansions, JCON

     You who are blessed by Apostle’s work, have you given financially to it? Give that your joy and gladness may be authentic, give at to

     Je suis (I Am) Jesus Christ,  Blessed Father, I touch and agree with the persecuted church and the families of the martyrs that when when they've done all to stand, to stand as there is a jubilee awaiting the overcomers indescribable. Jesus keep us need the Cross, there a living fountain, all to those a healing stream flows from Calvary mountain, our heart trust in you, Amen. Voice Of The Martyr,


     -O Lord, thou hast searched me and known me, thou knowest mine downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thoughts afar off. Thou compasseth my path and mine lying down and art acquainted with all my ways, for there is not a word in my tongue O Lord, but thou knowest it all together.  Thou hast beset me behind and before and hast laid thine hands upon me.
     -If I ascend into heaven thou art there, If I make my bed in hell behold thou art there, if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost part of the sea, even there will thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold, if I say surely the darkness shall cover me, the light shall be about me, yeah darkness hideth not from thee, but darkness and light are both alike unto thee. See Psalm 139,

 Prophecy Link

 -Seen to seeing the rise of the anti-Christ, as so a play on, with a large meteor like rock when a voice declare: This is the anti-Christ (NWO, Elite, Wealth Of The Wicked), murderer, the compete destruction of King Nebuchadnezzar's Image of emerging nations by a stone cut out without hands falling from heaven on the map, Dan. 2:3-49 02/14/2015

-Seen To Be In A Dream were I receive text message, after text message, after many alike messages stating the same thing, “Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way!” 02/19/2015

Responding to seven children dying in the house fire! 03/20/2015

In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions JCON 03/21/2015

-Just when you think everything is going to be alright, the American Dream says well, not so fast, regardless of what you think this is, it is still a curse of death and for many hell, don't be deceived. Heartbreakingly, I'm reminded of the mansion fire, the grandparents and their four grandchildren, as so the Resurrected Jesus inquiry of a disappointed disciple Peter, “do you love me more than these?” These nightmarish scenarios are to remind us to first of all be soul ready, the American Dream like the flesh obeys the first curse spoken against our first parents. One that's a cursive must enveloping and evolving mankind, its blood lineage, this bringer of death, a grave and a burial away from every breath that is then taken, remarkably appointed to all mankind, we die, now unto heaven or hell?

-Though the blessed beyond description alternate, the Cross of Jesus Christ, New Jerusalem, like the Spirit and Soul, it's eternal, even phenomenally so. It's to know that although these seven children just died these horrible deaths, that as soon as their spirit exit these now depleted bodies hopefully they were looking at a paradise so extraordinarily beyond anything on this planet or even the universe above. This, there is nothing on this earth can compare ever place Jesus was dreaming about and focusing on as he explained to Governor Pilate this earth, or His Kingdom wasn't of this world. No, that like a being stoned to death and dying Stephen looking skyward as he saw the heavens open to him, preparing to receive Him straight forward into glories so wordless, such is the fate of God’s Anointed, Jesus' blood alone paying the price.

-Look, I’m not simply reminding you of these inconceivable Mansions in Heaven awaiting innocent children, to the Born Again just to make you believe, or to all the more deflect this horror story toward an imaginable other-world of make believe. The truth is, these stunning children are gone, soon what remain of their flesh will be laid away in coffins somewhere, I’m too remind you, this isn’t the end. Jesus again speaking with Pilate reminding Jesus how he had the power of life and death over knew,  Jesus explaining instead how the only power he has. Yes, the mighty Rome had, these great religious leaders all had was only that given them from above and such the like favor is granted only that His, God's Will be done on earth as in Heaven.

-Jesus knew this was all temporal, for blessed are the dead who die having lost and sacrificed their heart to, in this Christ Lord. He knew this when he arrived to crying their smitten hearts out Martha and Mary four days after their brother Lazarus had died. Justly, Jesus knew Lazarus being a believer, this wasn’t the end for him, but an indescribable for a million years restful, peaceful, glorious beginning. That astounding nuance awaiting all who will simply believe and fall head over hills in love with Gods form of righteousness first and deliverance unto the paradise of heaven, dubbed a New Jerusalem John saw descending down out of heaven as a bride adorn unto her groom.

-Such is the eternity, the forgiving, loving, indescribable Creator of mankind has gotten us by His Own Sacred Blood sacrifice, nailed to a tree for me, for you, if only you believe. Thus believe this Apostle, if you could now hear them in heaven, these seven children, more than likely they’re at the Supremes’ bosom awaiting placement. That they’re those lamenting don’t cry for us, it is thine own soul which is in peril, unless you repent, unless you relent to the God of gods. Unto this Heart of hearts, our, mankind one divine immortality or that waiting instead is a damning mortuary which doesn’t end at the grave despite how magical it's pulpit words. They are those passing from death, to a righteous judgment and an eternal abyss of the damn opening itself on a daily basis without measure.

-I know how this all sound, how it seem I would use such a tragedy as this to spin my belief, but this isn’t my belief, it’s what I believe, it’s what Jesus, the Savior of this world expect us all to believe. That in His Father’s House are many mansion, (as so this amazing winding pearl staircase where I witness children playing), that if it was not so, He would not tell us, the blood washed, He go and prepare a place for us. Amazingly, that if He go and prepare a place for us, unto us then shall He return, that where He is, again the blood washed maybe be also. Explaining this promise of this Magnificent Christ Lord is how my dying in Christ mother was able to settle into the Divine Rest this Blessed Savior gained for her. As for my darling husband Mack, born again, I simply anointed his head with crosses until he ascended inheriting Christ's Glory.

-Perhaps this is why this end time apostle, like other prophets and apostles of God gone before me, the reason I’ve had so many various visitations to heaven, as so heaven visiting me, that I’ve been in more formations of the great gathering of saints than I can count. Perhaps it is so I can with them all be a witness that our Lord of lord Jesus is the Single Authentic Savior, Peace and Rest and that we are now Heir with Him. Whomever is to believe our report, kiss this Son of sons, this Sunlight of God, lest you perish unto an immortality of Satanic mutiny, a fiery abyss everlasting. Repent Ye, (Christ’s Cross), for a visiting Angel Gabriel once announcing the Christ’s miraculous conception now declares the Seventh Angel hath made itself ready to sound, the Millennium of Christ to the Ancient of Days doeth Reign, AWAKE! Apb, The RAM,

You who are blessed by Apostle’s work, have you given financially to it? Give that your joy and gladness may be authentic, give at to



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