Saturday, March 21, 2015

In My Fathers House Are Many Mansions, JCON

     You who are blessed by Apostle’s work, have you given financially to it? Give that your joy and gladness may be authentic, give at to

     Je suis (I Am) Jesus Christ,  Blessed Father, I touch and agree with the persecuted church and the families of the martyrs that when when they've done all to stand, to stand as there is a jubilee awaiting the overcomers indescribable. Jesus keep us need the Cross, there a living fountain, all to those a healing stream flows from Calvary mountain, our heart trust in you, Amen. Voice Of The Martyr,


     -O Lord, thou hast searched me and known me, thou knowest mine downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thoughts afar off. Thou compasseth my path and mine lying down and art acquainted with all my ways, for there is not a word in my tongue O Lord, but thou knowest it all together.  Thou hast beset me behind and before and hast laid thine hands upon me.
     -If I ascend into heaven thou art there, If I make my bed in hell behold thou art there, if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost part of the sea, even there will thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold, if I say surely the darkness shall cover me, the light shall be about me, yeah darkness hideth not from thee, but darkness and light are both alike unto thee. See Psalm 139,

 Prophecy Link

 -Seen to seeing the rise of the anti-Christ, as so a play on, with a large meteor like rock when a voice declare: This is the anti-Christ (NWO, Elite, Wealth Of The Wicked), murderer, the compete destruction of King Nebuchadnezzar's Image of emerging nations by a stone cut out without hands falling from heaven on the map, Dan. 2:3-49 02/14/2015

-Seen To Be In A Dream were I receive text message, after text message, after many alike messages stating the same thing, “Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way!” 02/19/2015

Responding to seven children dying in the house fire! 03/20/2015

In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions JCON 03/21/2015

-Just when you think everything is going to be alright, the American Dream says well, not so fast, regardless of what you think this is, it is still a curse of death and for many hell, don't be deceived. Heartbreakingly, I'm reminded of the mansion fire, the grandparents and their four grandchildren, as so the Resurrected Jesus inquiry of a disappointed disciple Peter, “do you love me more than these?” These nightmarish scenarios are to remind us to first of all be soul ready, the American Dream like the flesh obeys the first curse spoken against our first parents. One that's a cursive must enveloping and evolving mankind, its blood lineage, this bringer of death, a grave and a burial away from every breath that is then taken, remarkably appointed to all mankind, we die, now unto heaven or hell?

-Though the blessed beyond description alternate, the Cross of Jesus Christ, New Jerusalem, like the Spirit and Soul, it's eternal, even phenomenally so. It's to know that although these seven children just died these horrible deaths, that as soon as their spirit exit these now depleted bodies hopefully they were looking at a paradise so extraordinarily beyond anything on this planet or even the universe above. This, there is nothing on this earth can compare ever place Jesus was dreaming about and focusing on as he explained to Governor Pilate this earth, or His Kingdom wasn't of this world. No, that like a being stoned to death and dying Stephen looking skyward as he saw the heavens open to him, preparing to receive Him straight forward into glories so wordless, such is the fate of God’s Anointed, Jesus' blood alone paying the price.

-Look, I’m not simply reminding you of these inconceivable Mansions in Heaven awaiting innocent children, to the Born Again just to make you believe, or to all the more deflect this horror story toward an imaginable other-world of make believe. The truth is, these stunning children are gone, soon what remain of their flesh will be laid away in coffins somewhere, I’m too remind you, this isn’t the end. Jesus again speaking with Pilate reminding Jesus how he had the power of life and death over knew,  Jesus explaining instead how the only power he has. Yes, the mighty Rome had, these great religious leaders all had was only that given them from above and such the like favor is granted only that His, God's Will be done on earth as in Heaven.

-Jesus knew this was all temporal, for blessed are the dead who die having lost and sacrificed their heart to, in this Christ Lord. He knew this when he arrived to crying their smitten hearts out Martha and Mary four days after their brother Lazarus had died. Justly, Jesus knew Lazarus being a believer, this wasn’t the end for him, but an indescribable for a million years restful, peaceful, glorious beginning. That astounding nuance awaiting all who will simply believe and fall head over hills in love with Gods form of righteousness first and deliverance unto the paradise of heaven, dubbed a New Jerusalem John saw descending down out of heaven as a bride adorn unto her groom.

-Such is the eternity, the forgiving, loving, indescribable Creator of mankind has gotten us by His Own Sacred Blood sacrifice, nailed to a tree for me, for you, if only you believe. Thus believe this Apostle, if you could now hear them in heaven, these seven children, more than likely they’re at the Supremes’ bosom awaiting placement. That they’re those lamenting don’t cry for us, it is thine own soul which is in peril, unless you repent, unless you relent to the God of gods. Unto this Heart of hearts, our, mankind one divine immortality or that waiting instead is a damning mortuary which doesn’t end at the grave despite how magical it's pulpit words. They are those passing from death, to a righteous judgment and an eternal abyss of the damn opening itself on a daily basis without measure.

-I know how this all sound, how it seem I would use such a tragedy as this to spin my belief, but this isn’t my belief, it’s what I believe, it’s what Jesus, the Savior of this world expect us all to believe. That in His Father’s House are many mansion, (as so this amazing winding pearl staircase where I witness children playing), that if it was not so, He would not tell us, the blood washed, He go and prepare a place for us. Amazingly, that if He go and prepare a place for us, unto us then shall He return, that where He is, again the blood washed maybe be also. Explaining this promise of this Magnificent Christ Lord is how my dying in Christ mother was able to settle into the Divine Rest this Blessed Savior gained for her. As for my darling husband Mack, born again, I simply anointed his head with crosses until he ascended inheriting Christ's Glory.

-Perhaps this is why this end time apostle, like other prophets and apostles of God gone before me, the reason I’ve had so many various visitations to heaven, as so heaven visiting me, that I’ve been in more formations of the great gathering of saints than I can count. Perhaps it is so I can with them all be a witness that our Lord of lord Jesus is the Single Authentic Savior, Peace and Rest and that we are now Heir with Him. Whomever is to believe our report, kiss this Son of sons, this Sunlight of God, lest you perish unto an immortality of Satanic mutiny, a fiery abyss everlasting. Repent Ye, (Christ’s Cross), for a visiting Angel Gabriel once announcing the Christ’s miraculous conception now declares the Seventh Angel hath made itself ready to sound, the Millennium of Christ to the Ancient of Days doeth Reign, AWAKE! Apb, The RAM,

You who are blessed by Apostle’s work, have you given financially to it? Give that your joy and gladness may be authentic, give at to



Monday, February 9, 2015

And Be Ye Transformed

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Je suis (I Am) Jesus Christ, plainly, if it doesn’t cause you pain and blood at gloriously renewing the heart and soul, this anxious outreach to the lost, then it’s not of Jesus’s Christ, as we are the church of the Martyred.”


     For we acknowledge our transgressions and our sins are ever before thee, against thee, thee only have we sinned and done this evil in thy sight that you might be justified when you speak, and be clear when you judge. Behold we were shaped in iniquity and in sin did our mother conceive us. See Psalm 51,

Prophecy links

Seen to seeing the rise of the anti-Christ, as so a play on, with a large meteor like rock when a voice declare: This is the anti-Christ (NWO, Elite, Wealth Of The Wicked), murderer, the compete destruction of King Nebuchadnezzar's Image of emerging nations by a stone cut out without hands falling from heaven on the map, Dan. 2:3-49

And Be Ye Transformed                                                              02/09/2015

     -This is why from the onset Jesus is to explain why those coming after him for to worship him, to be like him, and stand in the gap at times quite bloody, deadly for the lost you must be willing to deny yourself, pick up your own bloody cross and follow Him, again the reason why the religious masses flock to churches and mosque all to avoid Him. There's no other way, you must make a sacrifice other than suicide/murder suicide and thus Genocide (see the American Dream), you must lose yourself and the world. Even the things of this world, to gain Jesus Christ and the saving knowledge of the Gospel Truth, toward one’s own salvation, unto the salvation of lost souls. Continuously, not only God's Will, but the only sacrifice of ones' self He's to accept, any other sacrifice despite how meaningful, even sincere is wicked and abominable not having Christ’s blood as it's foundation, reprobate.
     -This is what the Holy Spirit mean when He looked at the masses, even in the marches of assembly and He explain how they all by the millions need to fall in love with God, you're dying, even the curse of death deem the American Dream is showing itself the lying, murderer it truly is will on a mighty scale, though these deaths are all vanity having no worth.  That's gaining nothing but judgment, shame and hell, even living long only to perish in hell's fire, is said curse at present even more ravenous, demanding the soul. It's literally staggering, all this insurmountable growth has been for nothing only that unrepentant mankind are made unto better manners of manslaughter at being slaughtered themselves along crafting their own man induced holocaust crying aloud why do the heathen rage?
      -This is death people, it always has been, will always be, this is why everything you touch on this planet, even your loved ones bears with it a blood guiltiness, even a debt, your hands are dripping with it, you know it, you’ve seen it, you’ve touched it. You’ve even taste it upon your tongue unto that depressing so heavily the heart, mind and soul, only to spit it into your designer clay (the American Dream) and mold it to your designed specifications. Only, disappointedly, nothing prevents it of its original jinx for without shedding of blood and more blood, yours, there’s, there is even from the first Adam nothing new to be had under the sun, death, dying and judgment, like an unremitting blemish, it is to all remain.
     -Though praise be to the God of Heaven, Earth and Creation, you can hear the prophet Isaiah crying aloud, a virgin shall conceive and bare forth a son and you shall call his name Immanuel, meaning God with us. Even still can you hear this selfsame prophet Isaiah sparing not, "he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace (the greatest of all trials) is upon Him, and by His Stripes, we are healed." Then there’s the Woman Seed Himself, citing, “greater love hath no man than this," unto Timothy, the Apostle Paul’s Son in the faith, “great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifested in the flesh."
     -Then there’s the Apostle John testament, "I looked and behold a Lamb that looked as though it had been slain." Unto the winged Messiah, 1986, crying, "I’m coming soon, go, tell my people," as so finally, the reappearing of the Angel Gabriel 2004, "for when the seventh angel shall begin to sound, the mysteries of God shall be finished as it had been promised to HIS Servants, the Prophets, surely make a joyful noise unto the Lord Supreme All Ye Land! AWAKE! Beware, Repent! Great is thy reward in heaven, Apb, The RAM,    

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Pastor Mannings Holy 70,000

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The only way, this can Go, watch here, Ken Peters
voice of the martyred,

His Holy Tens Of Thousands                                                01/01/2015

     -Lets talk about Pastor Manning’s 70,000 that he kept mentioning on the Alex Jones show yesterday, I wish ministers where just as tune in with the end time fulfillment of biblical prophecy as they are with politics and government. These corrupt divisions which from day one have been the product of satanic, demonic, to religious/political interventions of benightedness. Hence, remember with me the religious leaders pitching a coin to Jesus so He could then decide who the people’s homage was mostly to be paid too, God or man?
    -Of course after Jesus examined the article in question, He asked, whose image was on the coin? And they said Caesar and He then said, then give unto Caesar what is Caesar, and give to God what is Gods; this truth people has been the world, since the fall. It’s just that mankind are just so horrible, I mean this horror, even beyond Christ’s Cross at truly, faithfully by a repentant heart at worshipping God. Of course this all remind me of a dream regarding a similar coin, it was a quarter that felled to the floor, that just as soon both the person who dropped the quarter.
     -As so the beggar now needing the quarter went for the spilled coin just before they glanced this inquiry at me when I said, without hesitation, "actually now the quarter belong to the beggar, " the coins (crumbs) that fall from the table I presume. Of course the quarter in this prophetic demonstration wasn’t about its financial worth, but like the coin in the past demonstration of Rome's fall, it’s to represent the fact a quarter of the world will be overcome by unthinkable famine, see the third seal.
     -President Hussein, who so many now love to hate, to whom the Holy Spirt by biblical prophecy predicted would Father and thus rule America and thus the Free World while they were haunting down Saddam Hussein in the streets and mountains of Iraq. As so that boosting my inquiry regarding Pastor Mannings 70, 000 is where were they doing like the masses deciding Jesus life to death fate. Again where were they doing this nation to world out cry for a Hussein to reign instead of Jesus Christ. In all likeness again for a Barabbas, a murdering thief to be unleased upon the people instead of King Jesus, God’s formation of Christ?
     -I’ll give you just one guess, they were, are in that identical crowd lamenting at God’s guarded ears give us Hussein because they, like all people of this nation and the world put more faith and works in man (behold I will strip their leaders), than they do the son of man, God. This unpronounced blessed Hope, whose reign, the fulfillment the Angel Gabriel 2004 described is closer upon us now than ever, ever before. Although, imagine my shock at witnessing again this world outcry for a man our government described as the worse tyrant of humankind, who was to be executed accordingly. That he now take reign upon the earth, when the cry instead should be toward the ONE who’d come in the Name of Almighty God.
     -This mean every form of corruption these dramatic fellows are naming doing this broadcast, presidential, religious, military to law enforcement and especially domestically has at its root the end time fulfillment of biblical prophecy.  That as usual there is nothing that can be done, nothing admonished upon these people except to repent and to encourage the masses in worthless, satanic to demonic controlled assemblies to do the same. It’s like the stampeding people of Revelation describing how it is God’s Wrath has come and who shall be able to stand, endure? Truly, only if need be the Blood Washed Saints, please for Christ Millennium Reign sake, Wake UP! (REPENT!)
     -President Obama is a man of prediction, I’ve been forewarning you of this since before his presidency, that in a dream acting as a world leader in meetings with him.  That while Holy Spirits described him as being "The One,' he instead was explaining to me, to world leaders how he would be the best thing to happen to and for the people. This was while he was yet Senator, once he became president the Intrepid Dream (church age) time table gave him two weeks and seven years to rule over mankind. This time table does not include the final seven years of Daniel’s final week of years, an end time pophecy I believe will follow Hussein Obama’s Presidency.
     -America, which was just another piece of that Garden of Eden forbidden fruit made to look like all the world wishes and dreams time of deletion has come. I’ve also been forewarning you of this for nearly thirty years, it is over, this mean all the horrors these two men are describing performing itself on American soil Mannings 70,000 seem to be do tired of yet they refuse to repent.  This growing ever evil which at its root has one color, blood red, are only the birth pains of a mighty nation of holocaust and lost souls being brought cataclysmically to a screeching halt, again I beg you, wake up! Mankind has been doing this the way of the Pastor Mannings and of the Alex Jones’ of this world forever, which is truly why the heathen rage. As so why the people imagine a vain thing as to combat, beat back God’s will unto worshipping instead the vanity humankind is without God (Jesus) as Lord.
     -What these two toweling leaders both suggest as solutions are levels of supposedly social advances mankind has been attempting every since their first parent were ejected out of the garden of Eden. That one of their sons as at present the nations and world over reply to God’s formation of righteousness was to murder savagely his own brother, (see Christ Cross), HIS, OUR OWN BROTHER! What, you really think because Satan by way of Christ’s crucifixion took a curse of death and shaped it and formed it into what has become to the world over blessed hope of an American Dream.  That this teaming lie would cause mankind to advance that far from Cain’s manner of resolution, even revolution to man’s instead of God’s will being done on earth as so indescribably Holy in Heaven?
     -You know what Pastor Manning is going to happen to your 70,000, as so to Americas’ hundreds of millions, and the world, even the NWO billions? That's if they don’t find Christ’s blood and get themselves and everything, everybody they treasure inundated therein for this temporal life and the eternity to come. Unthinkably, they are going to continue to hate God and thus man with an apostasy and a violence unfounded on this planet and by the millions daily wake up in hell. Now you see, you have a timely madness brewing over to unthinkable manslaughter because no one is telling the people this is God’s World, that it’s His Planet, that it is He who hath made them, us and not we, the American Dream, artificial lending ourselves. 
     -Justly that as He deal with warring against His Anointed nations it is HE and HIS Christ who are going to rule this planet beginning according to Heavens Host in only a short time from now. This will then explain why Jesus simplified yet ultimate message was repent, mankind’s Kingdom must decrease, the Kingdom of God is at hand. No, no, get thee hence Satan, the people of God don't have to do anything but return to God, but to fall in love (Christ Cross), with God. Sincerely, everything they’re trying to do, by Dr. Kings’ doctrine to overcome, to the Pastor Mannings of this world principles to overcome.
    -As to Alex Jones various manners of guidelines to overcome, unto the Al Sharptons, Farrakans and even the Ron Pauls’ of this nation and world to overcome, Jesus by the offering of His Own sinless blood did it ALL the moment He cried from the cross , IT IS Finished, What? That in Him you might have peace, in the world you shall have tribulations but be of good cheer HE, Christs' Cross has overcome the world, who shall believe this report? So I say again, awake, the hell that is in your destiny for all eternity if you don’t repent of the American demon possession, UP! The holy Jihad, war, that assuredly as all mankind is born to a death bed, they’re born into a battlefield. One warring against the mind, heart and souls of men crying let them bleed that they live, where strait (Christ’s Cross) is the gate that lead to life eternal, beware.
     -So when the frog begin to realize it’s in the boiling pot, that yes all this time that’s what that warm, cuddling into comforting covers and companionship was truly all about. That unthinkably, it wasn’t peace or this cozy up to without a soul’s gamble American Dream, or liberty and justice for all.  Though, when mankind is to say peace and safety and sudden destruction, again safety turn to mayhem and man slaughter. Yes this excruciating, quite tortuous death at reaping incalculable inhumanity to mankind sown were judgment and hell is to follow. Truly, that all this time it was actually a formation of the prophet Jeremiah answering God’s inquiry of what do you see? At citing how he looked and saw a seething pot. Beware, Apb, The RAM

     And then shall they asked Him, what are these wounds in thine hands? And He, this Lion Of the Tribe of Judah, this Root of David, shall answer, what greater love hath a man than this, that a man shall lay down His Life for His friends? JCON

   This Apostle remind the bridegroom in waiting for the gathering, that with tithing as this, not only is God the Father worthy to be praised, but nearing the worse trials and tribulations Heaven and Mankind has suffered through since Noah’s earth unto various world holocaust down through dispensation claiming billions, where horrid times at present are to be even worse, our God in heaven NEED to be praised, listening to Selah, You Amaze Us!